How Do You Write A Business Case Format?

by Ameer Khan

A business case typically includes an introduction, background information, a problem statement, proposed solutions, and a recommendation. Start by providing context on the current situation and the reasons for proposing a new solution. Clearly define the problem to be addressed and outline the potential impact on the organization if left unresolved. Present the proposed solutions, their benefits, risks, and costs, and explain why they are the best action. Finally, make a clear and compelling recommendation based on the analysis provided.

How Do You Write A Business Case Format?

Real-world Business Case Examples

Real-world business cases provide insight into the practical applications of theories and strategies, allowing companies to learn from others' successes and failures. Here are a few notable examples:

1. Starbucks: Customer Experience Innovation: Starbucks has consistently focused on enhancing customer experience through personalized service and a strong brand presence. Their introduction of the mobile app, which allows for efficient ordering and payment, transformed customer interaction and loyalty, leading to increased sales.

2. Zara: Fast Fashion Supply Chain: Zara's clothing retailer has revolutionized the fashion industry with its agile supply chain. By quickly identifying trends and rapidly producing items, Zara reduces lead times and offers a constantly updated inventory. This strategy allows them to respond effectively to consumer demands, leading to a substantial market share.

3. Netflix: Subscription Model Evolution: Netflix's transition from DVD rentals to a streaming service paved the way for success in the entertainment industry. By leveraging data analytics to personalize content recommendations, Netflix significantly enhanced user engagement. Their investment in original content has also diversified revenue streams and attracted a broader audience.

4. Amazon: Customer-Centric Approach: Its return policy and fast shipping options exemplify Amazon's relentless focus on customer satisfaction. Innovations like Amazon Prime have created a loyal customer base, while their extensive product offerings and streamlined purchasing process have made them the go-to marketplace for millions.

5. Tesla: Disruptive Innovation In Automotive Industry: Tesla has changed the automotive landscape with its electric vehicles, innovative technology, and direct sales model. By prioritizing sustainability and performance, Tesla has created a loyal following and significantly impacted the global auto industry, pushing traditional manufacturers to adapt to the electric vehicle trend.

6. Apple: Brand Loyalty Through Ecosystem: Apple's ecosystem of products and services offers seamless integration that enhances user experience. This strategy fosters brand loyalty as customers value owning multiple Apple products. The company’s focus on design and innovation has set it apart as a leader in technology.

7. Airbnb: Leveraging The Sharing Economy: Airbnb has disrupted the hospitality industry by enabling homeowners to rent their spaces. This business model capitalizes on the sharing economy, allowing travelers to find unique accommodations at various prices while providing hosts with an additional income source.

8. Coca-Cola: Global Brand Consistency: Through consistent marketing strategies, Coca-Cola maintains its brand identity worldwide. The company tailors campaigns to resonate with local cultures while preserving the brand's core values, solidifying its status as a global icon.

How To Effectively Present A Business Case

1. Understand Your Audience: Identify who will be present for your business case presentation. Tailor your message to address their interests, concerns, and level of understanding about the subject matter. Knowing your audience will help you connect and communicate more effectively.

2. Structure Your Presentation: Organize your presentation into clearly defined sections: Introduction, Problem Statement, Solution, Benefits, Costs, and Conclusion. This structure promotes clarity and allows your audience to follow your argument logically.

3. Define The Problem: Clearly articulate the problem or opportunity that your business case addresses. Use data and specific examples to illustrate the issue, highlighting its relevance and urgency to the audience.

4. Present A Clear Solution: Outline your proposed solution succinctly. Explain how it addresses your described problem, emphasizing innovative aspects and practicality. This section should align with your audience’s goals and interests.

5. Highlight Benefits: Demonstrate the benefits of your proposed solution. Use quantitative data, such as projected revenue increases or cost savings, to showcase its value. Qualitative benefits, such as improved morale or enhanced brand reputation, should also be included.

6. Discuss Costs: Provide a clear breakdown of the costs associated with your proposed solution. Be transparent about both initial investments and ongoing costs. Setting realistic expectations helps you gain the trust of your audience.

7. Incorporate Visuals: Use graphs, charts, and images to reinforce key points and make complex information digestible. Well-designed visuals enhance understanding and maintain audience engagement throughout the presentation.


Writing a business case format requires thorough research, clear communication, and a structured approach. Follow the necessary steps and include critical components such as a solid executive summary, detailed analysis, and a compelling recommendation. Remember to tailor your business case to your organization's needs and continuously refine your approach based on feedback and results.