How to use the Issue Log Template for Prince2 and Agile
Follow the below steps to start using the Issue Log Template for Prince2 and Agile.
This Template has the 2 tabs.
1. PRINCE2 Log
2.Agile Log
PRINCE2 Log tab:
This tab has the following sections.
- Project: mention the name of the project.
- Issue Log Owner Name: The Person who handles the issues.
- Issued Id: Serial number of the Issue raised.
- Issue Type: Select the type of issue from the drop-down list in the field. i.e., RFC-Request for change, OS-Off-Specification P-Problem/concern.
- Date Raised: On which date issue is raised.
- Raised by: Name of the person who raised the issue to resolve.
- Issue Report Author: Name of the person who should provide a solution/report for the raised issues.
- Description: Brief the issue.
- Priority: Select the priority of the issue from the drop-down list in the field i.e., High, or Low or Medium
- Severity: Select the severity of the issue from the drop-down list in the field. I.e. Major or Minor.
- Status: Select the status of the issue from the drop-down list in the field i.e. Not started or in process or Done or Cancelled
- Date last updated: last updated date of the issue.
- Closure date: Specify on which date issue is closed
Agile Log Tab:
This tab has the following sections.
- Project Details: Mention the name of the project, Sprint master name, name of the updated person, and on which date report is updated in the respective row.
- Number: Serial no of the issue.
- Issue: In detail explain the issue.
- Related Sprint: Specify the related Sprint for the issue. i.e. Sprint#1, Sprint#2, etc.…
- Assigned To: name of the assigned person who needs to resolve the issue.
- Feature affected: Mention Key points for feature affected.
- Sprint Due Date: specify the due date of the sprint.
- Status: Select the status of the issue from the drop-down list in the field i.e. Done or On Schedule, Behind Schedule, Cancelled.