How to use the RAID Log Excel Template
Follow the below steps to start using the RAID Log Excel Template
This template has 5 tabs.
- Summary
- Risks
- Assumptions
- Issues
- Dependencies
1.Summary tab:
This tab gives details of overall Risks, Assumptions, Issues, and dependencies in the project.
- Specify the Project number, name of the project. Name of Project Manager and sponsor name in respective rows
Risks (Auto populated):
- specifies the total overall Risks in the project.
- And specifies Overall active risks as per the priority i.e., High, Medium, Low.
Assumptions (Auto Populated):
- Specifies the total overall assumptions in the project.
- And specifies overall active assumptions as per the priority. i.e., High, Medium, Low.
Issues (Auto-Populated):
- Specifies the total overall issues in the project.
- And specifies overall active issues as per the priority. i.e., High, Medium, Low.
Dependencies (Auto-Populated):
- Specifies the total overall dependencies in the project.
- And specifies overall active dependencies as per the priority. i.e., High, Medium, Low.
Mention the date, name of the owner, and circulation in the respective column.
2.Risks tab:
This tab has the following section.
- Specify the Project Number, Project Name, Project manager, and sponsor for the project in the respective row
- ID: Enter the id of the risks e.g.: R1, R2….
- Date identified: Mention on which date risk is identified.
- Identified by: Specify the name who identified the risks in the project.
- Risk Type: select the type of risk from the drop down list i.e., Threat, Opportunity.
- Risk Effect: Mention the effect of leading risks in the project.
- Probability: Select the probability of the risks as per the priority from drop down list wise i.e, High, Medium, Low
- Impact: Select the impact of the risks as per the priority from dropdown list wise. i.e, High, Medium, Low
- Risk Score (Auto Populated): calculates based on Impact and Probability (P*I).
- Tolerance (Auto populated): calculates based on the Risk Score.
- Risk Owner: Mention the owner who needs to handle the risk.
- Mitigation Action: Mention Mitigation action to each risk in the project.
- Risk status: Select the status of risk from the drop down list. i.e., Open, Closed.
- Last update/comments: Mention the last update of the risk.
- Date of Last Update: specify the date of the last updated risk.
3.Assumptions tab:
This tab has the following section.
- Specify the Project Number, Project Name, Project manager, and sponsor for the project in the respective row
- ID: Enter the id of the Assumptions e.g.: A1, A2….
- Date identified: Mention on which date Assumption is identified.
- Identified by: Specify the name who identified the Assumption in the project.
- Assumption Description: specify the description of the assumption in the project.
- Impact if the Assumption Is proven Invalid: write in brief impact on the assumption. When Assumption is proven invalid.
- Impact Level: Select the level of impact on the project from the drop down list in the field as per the priority. i.e., High, Medium, Low
- Assumption Owner: Specify the owner of the assumption for each assumption.
- Action: Mention How the assumption will be tested in brief.
- Assumption Status: select the status of the assumption from the drop down list in the field i.e., active, Closed.
- Last update/Comments: Mention the last update of the Assumption.
- Date of Last Update: specify the date of the last updated Assumption.
4.Issues tab:
This tab has the following section.
- Specify the Project Number, Project Name, Project manager, and sponsor for the project in the respective row
- ID: Enter the id of the Issue e.g.: I1, I2….
- Date identified: Mention on which date the Issue is identified.
- Issue Description: Brief the issues in the project.
- Priority: Select the priority of the issue from the drop-down list in the field. i.e., High, Medium, Low
- Issue Owner: Specify the owner of the issue who needs to be handle.
- Response Action: Mention action of the response of the issue in brief.
- Issue status: select the status of the issue from the dropdown list in the field i.e., Open, Closed.
- Last update/Comments: Mention the last update of the Issue.
- Date of Last Update: specify the date of the last updated Issue.
5.Dependencies tab:
This tab has the following section.
- Specify the Project Number, Project Name, Project manager, and sponsor for the project in the respective row
- ID: Enter the id of the dependencies e.g.: D1, D2….
- Date identified: Mention on which date dependency is identified.
- Identified by: Specify the name who identified the dependency in the project.
- Dependency description: Brief the dependencies in the project.
- Dependency Type: select the type of dependency from the drop-down list in the field i.e., Inbound, Outbound
- Impact Level: Select the level of impact on the dependency as per the priority from the drop down list in the field. i,e, High, Medium, Low
- Dependency owner: Assign the name owner for dependency
- Action: specify how the dependency will be monitored in brief.
- Dependency Status: Select the status of the dependency from the drop down list i.e, Open, closed.
- Last update/Comments: Mention the last update of the dependency.